Midnights 宣传照片
Taylor Swift 官宣新专辑将于 10 月 21 日发行。专辑名称之所以叫作 Midnights, 其实是用十三首歌曲生动地讲述 the stories of 13 sleepless nights scattered through my life(十三个不眠之夜的故事)。
1. Lavender Haze
2. Maroon
3. Anti-Hero
4. Snow on the Beach
5. You’re on Your Own, Kid
6. Midnight Rain
7. Question … ?
8. Vigilante Shit
9. Bejeweled
10. Labyrinth
11. Karma
12. Sweet Nothing
13. Mastermind
各种生词让不少粉丝默默掏出了辞典......更是有人把 Taylor 称为“野生牛津辞典代言人”。既然气氛都烘托到这儿了,那今天就和牛津辞典的小编一起看看这些歌名到底是什么意思吧!
a garden plant or bush with bunches of purple flowers with a sweet smell 熏衣草e.g. The English oil of lavender is preferred in enamel painting.lavender 是指一种生长在花园的植物或灌木,通常开着淡紫色的小花,气味芳香。air that is difficult to see through because it contains very small drops of water, especially caused by hot weather 薄雾,迷雾e.g. In the evenings a blue haze hung in the valleys.haze 通常是指由于天气炎热,在空气中产生的微小水滴和水气。haze 在用作名词的时候,可以释义为雾,霾,薄雾,迷雾;以及迷糊和懵懂。在用作动词的时候,又可以释义为变朦胧,变糊涂;使其劳累,使其受折磨。
因此,Lavender Haze 可以直接翻译为“紫色迷雾”。不过,Lavender Haze 其实也是一个在 50 年代常用的短语,代表着爱得投入,即 being in love。结合上 haze 所表达的懵懵懂懂、迷迷糊糊的感觉,Lavender Haze 便可引申为“坠入爱河”。If you were in lavender haze, then that meant you were in that all-encompassing love glove.
Taylor 曾表示,如果她身处“紫色迷雾”之中,便会不惜一切地留在其中,不会让别人把她“带”出来。maroon 用作名词即 a dark red-brown colour,也就是栗色、褐红色;也可表示逃亡的奴隶、孤立的人。这个词同时也有形容词、动词的词性,表示使其孤立、放逐到无人之地。霉霉这首 Maroon 要表达什么样的情感,我们尚未可知。不妨一起期待一下。霉霉在采访中曾表示,这一首是她写过的最喜欢的歌曲之一。这首歌是她自己非常真诚的表达,在创作这首歌之前,她从未如此深入地研究过自己的不安全感。“This song really is a real guided tour throughout all the, you know, things tend to hate myself. We all hate things about ourselves… we have to come to terms with for gonna like, be this person, being ourselves.”“这首歌真是一次指引之旅,贯穿了我对自己的种种想法。比如,我们都有讨厌自己的时候,但是我们又必须接受自己,与自己和解,并做我们自己。”与这张专辑里其他十二首歌都不一样的是,Snow On The Beach 这一首歌名在后面标注了“ft. Lana Del Rey”。这里的 ft./feat 是featuring 的缩写,用来表示某位歌手(或者组合)是该单曲或专辑的合作者,一般会以伴唱或伴奏的形式参与其中。怎么样?这样我们就能看懂了!这首 Snow On The Beach 就是霉霉和打雷姐 Lana Del Rey 的梦幻联动啦!与 Lana Del Rey, Jack Antonoff 的合影You’re On Your Own, Kid
The scary news is you are on your own now, but the cool news is you are on your own now.
专辑中的 Track 6 和 Track 7 相对比较好懂。分别是 Midnight Rain(午夜雨)和 Question … ?(问题)。其中,midnight 有两层意思:一个是大家熟悉的 12 o’clock at night,另一层含义是指 midnight blue,是指 a very dark blue colour(especially North American English)。同时,这首 Midnight Rain 也终于与专辑名 Midnights 呼应起来了!We lie awake in love and in fear, in turmoil and in tears.我们在爱与怖,乱与泪中惊醒,彻夜难眠。We stare at walls and drink until they speak back.我们凝视着空荡荡的墙壁,醉酒消愁,直到听到它们空白的回响。We twist in our self-made cages and pray that we aren't-right this minute-about to make some fateful life-altering mistake.我们囚困于作茧自缚的牢笼之中,祈祷摆脱扭曲的自我。但此刻,也许即将犯下命中注定、改变命运的致命错误。This is a collection of music written in the middle of the night, a journey through terrors and sweet dreams.这是一本写在无眠午夜的音乐集,是一段穿梭了恐怖和美梦的漫长旅程。The floors we pace and the demons we face.是我们焦虑踱步时踩踏的地板和面对困境时勇敢直视的心魔。For all of us who have tossed and turned and decided to keep the lanterns lit and go searching-hoping that just maybe, when the clock strikes twelve... well meet ourselves.也许当凌晨十二点的钟声敲响时,才能遇见真正的自己。vigilante 可以释义为 a member of a group of people who try to prevent crime or punish criminals in their community。即义务警员、协助维持治安的成员。同根词还有 vigilant (警惕的,警醒的);vigil (守夜,监视,警戒);而 vigilantism 可以特指治安委员会的政策,即 the actions of a vigilance committee in trying to enforce the laws。歌名中用到的 vigilante 通常带有贬义的色彩,比如 Sunday Times 的报道中,就曾有这样的语句“the critical officers say that if normal police cover is continually reduced, there is a danger that could lead to highly undesirable vigilante activity”。因此,与 vigilante 相关的活动并不一定是什么好事,有时候也会特指破坏社会稳定、歪曲正义的情况。bejeweled 这个单词应该很容易猜个七七八八,因为它包含了“jewellery”中的“jewel”,所以大致会与宝石相关。bejeweled 是指 decorated with precious stones; wearing jewellery。即用宝石来做装饰;以珠宝来装饰或点缀某人或某物。例句:He gave a wave of his bejewelled hand.看到 Bejeweled 这首歌一下就会让人联想到当年“杀”疯了的 MV 神作 Look What You Made Me Do 中的真钻浴缸,总价高达千万美元。歌曲 Look What You Made Me Do MVlabyrinth 指的是由各种隧道、错综复杂的小道组成的复杂路径,通常为故意设计和建造而成,使人难以寻找到出口。可以理解为“迷宫”或“让人难以理解的事物”。(a structure consisting of a complex network of tunnels, paths, etc., deliberately designed or constructed so that it is difficult to find one's way through)。labyrinth 和 maze 的区别在于 maze 通常只有唯一一个往下走或者到达出口的路径,而不是像 labyrinth 一样,有很多死胡同。(Sometimes distinguished from a maze as consisting only of one convoluted path to the centre and back, rather than containing a number of dead ends)。karma 可以理解为一个人在一生当中所有行为的总和,这些在过去和当下有意识的种种行为,会决定这个人在未来的状态与命运。(the sum of a person's actions, esp. intentional actions, in this and previous states of existence, regarded as determining that person's fate in future states of existence)。宗教中认为,前世的行为会对今生产生影响,今生的行为也会继续影响来世——也就是佛教中讲的因果、报应、业力等,一切皆是因果之理而生成或灭坏。付出了什么样的努力,就会有对应的结果,正如俗语所言“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”,由因生果,因果历然。good karma 可以指好运气和善缘;bad karma 除了表示相反的意思之外,也曾被电影翻译成“转世情迷”。nothing 即 not anything;no single thing,表示无关紧要的东西,毫无趣味的事物。可想而知 Sweet Nothing 是指没有实质内容的言语或行为,也就是那些哄人的情话和恋爱中无关紧要的琐事。“甜言蜜语”除了用 sweet nothing 之外,还可以说 sweet speech and honeyed words,甜甜的话儿加上泡过蜜的词儿,当然就是甜言蜜语咯。例句:He always speaks sweet nothings to his girlfriend.mastermind 这个词可以先拆成 master(a man who has people working for him, often as servants in his home) 和 mind(the part of a person that makes them able to be aware of things, to think and to feel),也就是掌控大脑。因此,mastermind 可以指规划和指引某个复杂的项目或活动(通常涉及犯罪)的聪明人。即 an intelligent person who plans and directs a complicated project or activity (often one that involves a crime)。例句:The police thought that I had been the master-mind among the thieves.Midnights, the stories of 13 sleepless nightsscattered throughout my life,参考 | www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.comVigilante该怎么翻译?| 译 • 世界 (sohu.com)https://www.bilibili.com/read/mobile?id=18372493